Saturday, June 7, 2008

waste of space.

long weekend, no class on friday.

thursday's lab was super tedious.  mostly just cleaning up the back of the rib cage from the anterior side, trying to ID all the veins/arteries/nerves, and then cleanin up the heart and doing the same.  inside of the heart was neat, but our heart in particular sucked a little bit.  just small and hard to see things.  so i checked out everyone else's hearts.

wednesday night i had a spontaneous pasta party which was fun.  ended up having movie night at jiddy's place.  and then thursday night there was a dinner party at blair's which was also good.  i think everyone really enjoyed themselves so it sounds like we will be doing that more often.  thursday night a handful of the PA ladies, myself, and jiddy, nathaniel and wejde all went out to cubby bear -- big warehouse-ish sports bar on top/dance floor on bottom and restaurant type of place.  it was super fun, we danced till we dropped and i have the blisters on my feet to prove it.  so that was all lots of good break the ice get to know people type of stuff.  yesterday and today there were random road trips that ended up taking forever getting lost and in traffic and whatnot.  ended up being a two day adventure until we finally got coldstones today, which i'm not sure if it was worth it... but pizza place we found yesterday was excellent.  so anyway, i'm feeling like kind of a waste of space the last few days, just taking little adventures all over.  it's been lots of fun, but i need to get real now and buckle down.  

i also watched the clinton exit speech this morning "with" eric.  the speech was actually really excellent.  i recommend checking it out online if you missed it.  here's actually the full text of the speech:

tomorrow i'm riding my bike to the beach in the morning which i'm excited about.  i'm going to marinate and study there for a little bit until lunch time and then spend the rest of the day at school in and out of the cadaver lab and meeting with my study group tomorrow night.  so we'll see how that goes.

also, there was a tornado tonight.  i wouldn't have even known, except the girl that lives below me, amanda, called and told me.  so her and i and a few other people hunkered down in the laundry room for about an hour until the warning was lifted.  there was a lot of wind/thunder/rain though and some crazy lookin clouds.  the sirens were going off all over town and at the navy base too. 

good thing it's a three day weekend.

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