Wednesday, June 4, 2008

heart and lungs.

lecture is picking up.  our test is in less than two weeks, which is super quick, but good, because there won't be crazy amounts of info on it.

i've been taking all of my notes on the computer in an effort to save paper.  so far, so good.  it's working out really well and i think i'm getting a lot more down then i would if i was handwriting it.  that has it's good and bad points.

today i cut out vivi's heart.  and we pulled out her lungs too.  i would say the most awesome parts were the roots of the lung with all of the major vessels and the primary bronchi, with the biforcations and everything, and the valves in the heart.  we haven't actually dissected the heart yet.  we just took it out and checked out the outside of it.  so that's to come.  the aorta was also super awesome.  damn is that thing huge.  vivi's lungs were in such good shape, especially compared to the other cadavers around us who had diseased lungs and lungs that were all hard and black.  her heart though is covered in a pretty good layer of fat so that's not so good.  one of the cadavers next to us has scoliosis and some sort of lung condition on top of it.  one of his lungs was ginormous and the other was tiny and all fibrous and nasty looking.  it's funny/weird/scary that so many of us just go through life walking around with crazy stuff like that inside of us.  another cool find was one of the cadavers had a pacemaker.  overall it was a pretty quick lab, but with lots of cool stuff.  the muscles and vessels will definitely be the bane of my existence this summer though.

short day.  meeting at zacharias center for sexual assault.  yup still working there.  i'm doing kind of on my own time type stuff for them researching non-client cases and stats whenever i get some time.  so i'm still connected which makes me happy, but i don't have to take up study time to do any volunteering.  win-win.

i also found an excellent liquor store.  the guy was excited that i knew about and liked hoegaarden beer and recommended flat tire's skinny dip for me as well.  he also picked out two cheap but good wines for me (one white and one red).  i will have to go back there.  he was super friendly and helpful.  not to mention, he let me have a sip of an expensive but delicious wine that he was sippin on behind the counter.  hah!  

spaghetti night at my house tonight.  at least it's good motivation to get my place put together.  it's looking better.  i think the plants i bought are the highlight.  that and the cookies i just baked.  yum.

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