Thursday, June 12, 2008

el cuello

so the last two days we've been doing the neck.  and what a pain in the neck that is.  (har har)

seriously though.  wednesday was the most frustrating day in lab ever.  there are SO many teeny tiny little vessels and nerves all crammed into this tiny space.  very slow tedious work, and not really more than one or two people can be working on it at a time, so there was lots of thumb twiddling and wandering around looking at other cadavers and whatnot.  today was better though.  yesterday i was somewhat overwhelmed with all of the vasculature and whatnot, but today i felt like i had a much better handle on it.  it's weird how stuff seems to stick so much easier in anatomy.  i think it's kind of like once you learn the language, everything just makes sense.  this is called this, because it's here and does this and connects there, type of thing.

lets hope that works out for me for the test.

everyone has kind of paired off and formed their little cliques -- most often the first people they met in the class, but it is a much more cohesive and friendly group than say bms or the med school kids.  everyone still hangs out and chats with everyone in class and at lunch.  i guess it's kind of weird and early to make observations/generalizations like that when i think about it, but it feels like we've been here for months.  i have a solid group of people that i like, but i'm still feeling my way around trying to get to know some other people too.

it's amazing how much of a difference a pot for my plant and two pillows on my couch makes.  amazing.

back to studying.

quote of the day: "med school ate my life."

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