Monday, July 28, 2008

the most traumatizing lab yet.

ugh.  so i have officially decided that i don't think i want to donate my body to science.  at least not for an anatomy lab.  

gwen has been reduced to a pile of rubish.  last thursday was definitely the most traumatizing lab yet.  we're on the pelvis.  so basically what we had to do is saw off one of gwen's legs... and if that wasn't bad enough, it was the way we had to do it.  so we turn gwen on her side and lift one of her legs up in the air... so not only is that an awkward position, but then guess where we have to saw.  yeah, you guessed it.  my group hands me the saw, seeing that i'm always the one that loves to do the sawing and whatnot.  but not this time.  no way.  i gave the saw to a different group member and helped hold gwen still.  basically we had to saw up between gwen's legs... in order to hemisect her vagina, bladder and uterus... up through her pelvis and then across the side of her lower abdomen... subsequently removing one of her legs and half of her pelvis from the rest of her body.  eeugh.  so barbaric.  none of the bodies even look like bodies anymore.  it's just piles of skin and organs.

one more week.

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