Monday, July 28, 2008

the anvil.

so its been a while since i updated, and this story happened at least a week ago, probably more... but it's worth sharing anyway.

so in lecture we did the ear, and basically they said we could attempt to chisel out the canal and whatnot, but it's doubtful that we'll find anything.  the canal and the ear bones (you know... hammer, anvil, stirrup [malleus, incus, stapes]) are inside a large bone of the skull and so basically you have to be able to hit it just right to get into the canal... and even if you do that, the ear bones are so small that it's doubtful you would find them, especially before you crush or lose them.  so... knowing all that... we were done with everything else, so i figured i'd give it a whirl.  i ended up having to take gwen's entire ear and canal (embedded in skull) off separately... and then work at it.  i chiseled and chiseled and finally... TADA!!  we could clearly see the canal... the concha... and... the anvil!!  (originally i thought it was the hammer, but i'm pretty sure it was actually the anvil).  so exciting.  one of our TAs is obsessed with the ear -- she loves it.  so i thought i would show it to her.  so here i go walking... ear in one hand... tweezers holding the anvil in the other... and BAM.  dropped the anvil.   i go "no, no, no!" and drop to my knees.  subsequently me and two of my lab mates are on our hands and knees on this nasty sticky cadaver floor looking for this ear bone.  grr.  and we never found it.

the end.

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