Tuesday, October 21, 2008


so about a month ago (around the time i wrote that last post) i was treading water.  good pace, constant motion, keeping my head above water.  now i'm pretty much attempting to half-float, because my arms and legs are so tired from treading and letting my head bob up and down above the water, taking gulps of air.  it's not that the information is difficult.  it's fairly straight forward. some of it's pretty complicated, but i get it.  it's not even the fact that there is so much information... it's really just that it does. not. stop.  it's like each test is a huge pile on our desk of files to go through in the "in" box and we never get to the bottom of that file by the time the test comes, so we just stick the rest in the cabinet and move to the next pile that has grown tall since we've been studying the previous pile.  and the process continues.  so there is always the pile thats right in front of us that we are chipping away at, but the difficult part is that not only do we never reach the bottom of that pile, but there's a whole cabinet of other files that we never go to next to that, and not only that, but behind that cabinet is a whole closet full of files that we are never going to get to look at.  ...at least not this year.  *sigh.  and i'm not doing poorly.  i'm doing fine.  i'm just tired.  we are in the home stretch though.  5 more exams, two weeks and then break time.  the problem is that i don't think that my week off is enough time for me to feel rejuvenated enough to come back and tackle another quarter.  i need at least two.  oh well, gotta do whatcha gotta do.  hunker down and keep treading.  the low point of my day today was when i got out of my car in the starbucks parking lot and my 300 flashcards from pharmacology fluttered out across the asphalt.  the high point was after this when i said that i hated pharmacology and rachel replied, "well, it could be worse... you could be married."

hahaha.  okay, to explain that last part... we were discussing today about how everyone that isn't going to grad school is getting married, and at least we got out of having to deal with that for the time being.  ;)

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