Wednesday, September 17, 2008

lovin it.

i really am loving PA school.  i could eat this *ish for breakfast.

i think that i'm going to make an awesome PA.  i really feel confident about it and about all of the knowledge i'm attaining and skills i'm learning.  i want to do so many things.  i am so glad i chose this profession, i think it's perfect.  i get to do everything i want to do, get to be elbow deep in the medicine, like i wanted, and still get to switch around and work different types of jobs and in different fields so that i can get a little taste of whatever i want.  AND i get to have a life.  don't get me wrong, i LOVE medicine.  LOVE it.  but i don't want it to define me.  i want to do other things too.  i want to hang out with my family and my friends, go on vacation, have hobbies, maybe even volunteer here and there.  and i love that i can still do that with this job.  i think it fits me really well.

we got our dermatology tests back today.  i looked up my number and looked next to it and saw that i got a 79.  my reaction was a little disappointed because i thought i did a little better than that, but overall i was okay with it, because i felt comfortable with the knowledge i had gained and that i could treat someone with a skin condition... but then i looked again a minute later and realized i was looking at the wrong number and i had actually gotten a 97.  i'm not going to lie, i felt better then.  :)  haha.  but really i've noticed a huge change as far as my study skills and test taking.  first of all, i don't stress much at all.  there's moments here and there, but overall its just steady going as it comes and not too worried.  i think part of it is that we have at least one test every week, often two and sometimes three.  so it's difficult to stress out about one in particular, because there's always another around the corner.  the other part is that no one is like looking at my report card.  i don't have to get straight As to make sure i get into such and such program or school.  which is SUCH a nice feeling.  now the only reason i strive to get straight As is because i want to and because i know i can.  and the material i'm learning is interesting and applicable.  i'm learning it, because it's going to help me treat a patient in the future, not because i have to get suchandsuch grade on the test.  i like that so much better.  and it's somehow helped me review the material in pieces on a regular basis, rather than in one huge chunk before the test.  it's pretty stress free, just slow and steady.  after all, slow and steady wins the race!

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