Friday, May 30, 2008

the beginning.

i can't believe i'm here.  it's so surreal, because it's been so many years of like "yeah, one day i'm going to go to PA school..." yadda yadda whatever.  and now i'm actually here.

the ceo of our school gave an excellent speech to us yesterday.  very empowering.  about how we're professionals now, we're colleagues (and to act like it), and how the nation's health is in our hands now.  apparently Jackson once said that health was the 2nd most important thing in the world, right after morality, or something like that.  and then later they started talking about cooperation, interprofessionalism and teamwork.  which i like.  it's interesting, because for so long we're bred to be competitive.  especially being thrown in with the rest of the "pre-med" crowd.  thats how we get here.  thats how we make it.  i mean, the people i my class are 62 kids picked out of over 1400 applicants.  wow.  WOW.  you don't make that being nice and cooperative.  but what i like is that they talked about having to re-learn that process.  learning to cooperate with each other and work as a team.  because the goal is patient health and so it doesn't help if so and so aces the test and this other girl gets a C.  it's not about the tests.  it's about taking care of people.  i like that.  i hope that theme continues throughout our program.  

which brings me to the other thing.  this. is going to be. hell.  pure hell on earth.  it's like just hitting me how difficult this year is going to be.  apparently we have two to three exams a WEEK starting in August.  at least the summer is supposed to ease us into it a little bit.  on Monday we get to meet our cadavers and "lube up" the bodies.  whatever that means.  haha.  but yeah, one year of didactic before we've got smooth sailing through our rotations.  i can't believe it.  one year to learn EVERYTHING.  ridic.  completely ridic.